How to search EI (Engineering Index) conference papers

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When scholars and researchers need to retrieve the latest advancesand research results in the field of engineering, they usually turn to the EICompendex database. EI Compendex is the world's most comprehensive engineeringliterature database, covering conference papers and journal articles fromaround the world. To effectively retrieve EI conference papers, you can followthese steps:

Clarify research goals

Before starting your search, you first need to clarify your researchpurpose and the key information you need to find. Figure out the specificdirection and keywords of the research, which will help narrow the search scopeand improve retrieval efficiency.

Visit EI Compendex

EI Compendex usually requires accessthrough a university library or research institution subscription. Individualusers can also subscribe to the service through Elsevier's Engineering Villageplatform. If you are a member of a university or research institution, you canaccess the database through your institution's network connection or a virtualprivate network (VPN).

Use advanced search

EI Compendex provides advanced searchfunctions, allowing users to set multiple search conditions and use logicaloperators (such as AND, OR, NOT) to combine keywords. Advanced search can helpyou find conference papers that meet your research needs more accurately.

   Filter and sort results

After the search results come out, youcan filter and sort based on relevance, publication time, author or conferencename, etc. This step is important because it helps users find the most relevantconference papers from a large number of search results.

Read the abstract and subject headings

In the results list, each conferencepaper will have a corresponding abstract and keywords. Reading these carefullycan help determine whether the paper meets your research needs. If a paper isnot relevant to your research, you can exclude it without wasting time readingthe full text.

Get full text

Once you have identified the conferencepapers you want to study in depth, the next step is to obtain their full text.If you access EI Compendex through your affiliated institution, you can usuallydownload the full text of the paper directly. If not, you may need to obtain itthrough a subscription service, United Library Lending, or by asking theauthor.

Pay attention to citation information

When reading a paper, pay attention tothe reference list, which can lead you to more relevant literature. EICompendex also provides a citation tracking function, you can check thecitation status of the paper and find other related research.

Regular updates and tracking

Research is an ongoing process, and itis also important to return to EI Compendex regularly to check the latestconference papers. You can set up search alerts to track new papers on specifickeywords or topics.


Searching EI conference papers is asystematic process. It requires clearly positioning the research goals, makinggood use of the advanced search tools of the database, accurately screening theresults, and effectively obtaining the full text. In the modern researchecosystem, mastering these database retrieval skills not only helps researchersobtain the required information, but is also a basic skill for conductingscientific research.