November 2024 International Conferences in the Field of Education

点击率:241 时间:2024-04-18 10:30:50
Today, with the rapid development of educational technology, education experts and professionals are looking forward to days-long opportunities in November to brainstorm and discuss future teaching trends and strategies. Here are the upcoming educational technology-related conferences for November 2024.

The first is the AETS 2024 conference in Hong Kong, scheduled for November 8th to 10th. The conference focuses on "Education Technology" and aims to explore how modern technology can improve teaching and learning processes. Further information about this conference can be obtained from the website

Simultaneously, the ICETM 2024 conference will be held in Changsha, also from November 8th to 10th. This conference will focus on "Education Technology Management," addressing how the management aspect can integrate with the development of educational technology to maximize educational outcomes. More conference details can be found at

At the end of the month, from November 23rd to 25th, the ICEEL 2024 conference will take place in Tokyo, Japan. The theme of this conference is "Education and E-Learning" (教育与电子学习技术). With the rise of remote education and online learning platforms, the conference will discuss the latest trends, technologies, and instructional methods in e-learning. For more details and registration information, please visit

These three conferences are not-to-be-missed events for professionals in education technology and management, providing an excellent platform for sharing experiences, learning best practices, and understanding industry trends.