(ICSRS 2022) 2022 the 6th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety
Security & PrivacyComputer Science and Technologies
Conference Date
Nov 23-Nov 25, 2022
Submission Deadline
Oct 10, 2022
2022 the 6th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety | ICSRS 2022 | IEEE Xplore
★Full name: 2022 the 6th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS 2022)
★Time:November 23-25, 2022
★Place:Venice, Italy
We are glad to announce that the 2022 the 6th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS 2022) will be held during November 23-25, 2022 in Venice, Italy.
ICSRS 2022 is Technical Co-Sponsored by IEEE Reliability Society (Italy Chapter).
ICSRS is an annual event which aims at a key theme on System Reliability and Safety. It will feature world-class plenary speakers, major technical symposiums, industry and academic panels, workshops, tutorials and invited tracks. In the past years, ICSRS has became an international leading conference in System Reliability and Safety field. It was held in many large capital cities, such as Rome, Paris, Milan, Barcelona.
ICSRS 2022 aims to provide a high level international forum to bring together industry professionals, academics, and individuals from institutions, industrials and government agencies to exchange information, share achievements, and discus the advancement in the fields of System Reliability and Safety, etc.
★ Publication:
All accepted papers must be written in English and will be published into ICSRS 2022 Conference Proceedings. The Conference content will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. The proceedings is expected to be indexed by Scopus & EI Compendex, etc.
ICSRS 2022 is listed in IEEE Official Conference Calendar: https://conferences.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/conferencedetails/56243
★Keynote Speaker:
Hyun Gook Kang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), USA;
Shaoping Wang, Beihang University, China;
Gyunyong Heo, Kyunghee University, Korea.
★Session Keynote Lectures:
Nicolae Brinzei, University of Lorraine, France;
Wei Wang, City University of Hong Kong, China;
Roozbeh Razavi-Far, University of Windsor, Canada;
Katrina Groth, University of Maryland, USA;
Marcio Moura, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil;
Yanhua Zou, Hunan Institute of Technology, China;
Giovanni Sansavini, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
★Call for paper★Topic about:
Accelerated Life Testing
Big Data and IoT Applications in R&M
Business Process Improvement
Design Optimization Using R&M Techniques
Discrete Event Modeling & Simulation
Economic Models for R&M Equipment
Diagnostics and Prognostics
Fault Tolerance and Safety Critical Systems
Fault Tree Analysis
Human Reliability
Knowledge Based Training
Life Data Analysis
Maintenance Models and Methodologies
Physical Reliability Models
Prognostics and Health Management
Quality Appl. in Electronics Design & Mfg.
R&M Applications in Aerospace
R&M Applications in Health Care
R&M Applications in Infrastructure Management
R&M Applications in Manufacturing
R&M Applications in Service
R&M Applications in Supportability
R&M and Quality Appl. in Communications Design & Mfg.
R&M Management
Reliability Modeling
Reliability Growth Analysis
Repairable Systems
Risk Analysis and Management
Security and Dependability Analysis
Software Reliability and Testing
System Safety Analysis
Warranty Data Analysis and Management
For details about topics, please visit at http://www.icsrs.org/cfp.html
A. Full Paper (for Presentation and Publication)
Accepted full paper will be invited to give the oral presentation at the conference and be publsihed into conference proceedings.
B. Abstract (Presentation only)
Accepted abstract will be invited to give the oral presentation at the conference, the presentation will not be published.
For submission, please upload it to the Electronic Submission System (.pdf) https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icsrs2022
More detail about submission, please visit at http://www.icsrs.org/sub.html
Ms. Gretchen Lau (Conference Secretary)
E-mail: icsrs@outlook.com