(SPML 2021) 2021 4th International Conference on Signal Processing and Machine Learning
Signal ProcessingComputer Science and Technologies
Conference Date
Aug 18-Aug 20, 2021
Submission Deadline
Jun 20, 2021
2021 4th International Conference on Signal Processing and Machine Learning (SPML 2021) will be held in Beijing, China during 18-20 August. (http://www.spml.net)
Conference Website: http://www.spml.net
SPML 2021 information:
1. SPML 2021 is supported by ACM Singapore Chapter.
2. Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings by ACM (ISBN: 978-1-4503-9017-0), which will be indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, and submitted to be reviewed by Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (ISI Web of Science).
3. Prof. Yongfeng Huang from Tsinghua University in China, Prof. Shigeru Katagiri from Doshisha University in Japan, Prof. Chin-Chen Chang from Feng Chia University in Taiwan and Prof. Yen-Wei Chen from Ritsumeikan University in Japan will be the keynote speakers
4. SPML 2018 was held on 28-30 November 2018 in Shanghai, China and SPML 2019 on 27-29 November 2019 in Hangzhou, China, all the published proceedings have been indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SPML 2020 was special arranged into online conference during Oct. 22-24 , 2020.
Submission and Contact Methods
Submission Methods: Easy Chair System: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=spml2021
E-mail: spml.contact@gmail.com
Conference Specialist: Mr. Paul Choo
SPML 2021 can provide a better platform for academic communication in Signal Processing and Machine Learning in theoretical and practical aspects.
For more conference information, please visit the conference website: