(SCAM 2022) 22nd IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation
Security & Privacyinformation scienceITdata mining & big datacomputing
Conference Date
Oct 03-Oct 04, 2022
Submission Deadline
Jun 17, 2022
The aim of the International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis & Manipulation (SCAM) is to bring together researchers and practitioners working on theory, techniques and applications which concern analysis and/or manipulation of the source code of computer systems. While much attention in the wider software engineering community is properly directed towards other aspects of systems development and evolution, such as specification, design and requirements engineering, it is the source code that contains the only precise description of the behaviour of the system. The analysis and manipulation of source code thus remains a pressing concern.
General Chair
Mariano Ceccato, University of Verona, Italy
Research Track Program Co-Chairs
Mohammad Ghafari, University of Auckland, New Zeland
Banani Roy, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Engineering Track Program Co-Chairs
Olga Baysal, Carleton University, Canada
Sandro Schulze, University of Potsdam, Germany
RENE Track PC Co-chairs
Maurizio Leotta, University of Genova, Italy
Mike Apadakis, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg