(PODC 2022) ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing

Computer Science and Technologies

Conference Date

Jul 25-Jul 29, 2022


Salerno, Italy

Submission Deadline

Feb 13, 2022




Keynote speakers this year are:
Seny Kamara
Merav Parter
Michael L. Scott

The ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing is an international forum on the theory, design, analysis, implementation and application of distributed systems and networks. We solicit papers in all areas of distributed computing. Papers from all viewpoints, including theory, practice, and experimentation, are welcome. The goal of the conference is to improve understanding of the principles underlying distributed computing. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

biological distributed algorithms and systems
blockchain protocols
coding and reliable communication
communication networks
concurrency, synchronization, and persistence
design and analysis of distributed algorithms
distributed and cloud storage
distributed and concurrent data structures
distributed computation for large-scale data
distributed graph algorithms
distributed machine learning algorithms

Accepted regular papers of up to 10 pages and brief announcements of up to 3 pages in two-column ACM proceedings format will be included in the conference proceedings. They must be formatted with the ACM Master templates using

Conference committee
Alkida Balliu, University of Freiburg, Germany (Workshop chair)
Roberto De Prisco, University of Salerno, Italy (Organizing chair)
Arnaud Labourel, Aix-Marseille University, France (Publicity co-chair)
Alessia Milani, Aix-Marseille University, France (General chair)
William K. Moses Jr., University of Houston, USA (Publicity co-chair)
Rotem Oshman, Tel-Aviv University, Israel (Treasurer)
Philipp Woelfel, University of Calgary, Canada (Program chair)