(ICRAS 2023) 2023 7th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Sciences

Automation SciencesRobot

Conference Date

Jun 16-Jun 18, 2023


Wuhan, China

Submission Deadline

Apr 30, 2023






ICRAS 2023 [Ei Compendex and Scopus]

★Full name: 2023 7th International Conference on Robotics and Automation Sciences (ICRAS 2023)
★Short name: ICRAS 2023
★Time:June 16-18, 2023
★Place:Wuhan, China

★Call for paper★
Topic about:
AREA 1: Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization
Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy Control, Decision Support Systems, Machine Learning in Control Applications, Knowledge-based Systems Applications, Hybrid Learning Systems, Distributed Control Systems, Evolutionary Computation and Control, Optimization Algorithms, etc;

AREA 2: Robotics and Automation
Image Processing, Vision, Recognition and Reconstruction, Robot Design, Development and Control, Control and Supervision Systems, Telerobotics and Teleoperation, Vehicle Control Applications, Industrial Networks and Automation, Human-Robots Interfaces, Network Robotics, Autonomous Agents, Intelligent Transportation Technologies and Systems, Space and Underwater Robots, etc;

AREA 3: Signal Processing, Sensors, Systems Modelling and Control
Adaptive Signal Processing and Control; Environmental Monitoring and Control; Optimization Problems in Signal Processing; Signal Reconstruction; Computer and Microprocessor-based Control; Real-Time Systems Control; Information-based Models for Control; Nonlinear Signals and Systems; System Identification; Instrumentation Networks and Software; Change Detection Problems; Time-frequency Analysis, etc;

AREA 4: Industrial Engineering, Production and Management
Lean Enterprise; Supply Chain and Logistics Engineering; Virtual Enterprises and Interoperability; Production Planning, Scheduling and Control; Computer-based Manufacturing Technologies; Facilities Planning and Management, etc;

For details about topics, please visit at http://www.icras.org/cfp.html

★ Publication:
Accepted papers will be published in ICRAS 2023 Conference Proceedings, which will be indexed by EI Compendex, Scopus, and other indexing services.

1. Full paper(publication and presentation)
2. Abstract (only presentation)

Submission Online Electrical System:
For submission, please upload it to the Electronic Submission System (.pdf) http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icras2023
More detail about submission, please visit at http://www.icras.org/sub.html

★★Conference Venue★★
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
Location: Room 301, 3rd Floor, No.2 Teaching Building, West Area of the campus, No. 388 Lumo Road,Wuhan, P.R. China

Elvira Liu / Ms. (Conference Secretary)
Web: http://www.icras.org/
Email: icras_conf@outlook.com