(ECTC 2025) 2025 IEEE 75th Electronic Components and Technology Conference
Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Conference Date
May 27-May 30, 2025
Dallas, The United States
Submission Deadline
Feb 21, 2025
About ECTC
The Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) is the premier international event that brings together the best in packaging, components and microelectronic systems science, technology and education in an environment of cooperation and technical exchange. ECTC is sponsored by the IEEE Electronics Packaging Society (formerly CPMT).
The technical program contains papers covering leading edge developments and technical innovations across the packaging spectrum. Topics include advanced packaging, modeling and simulation, Photonics, interconnections, materials and processing, applied reliability, assembly and manufacturing technology, components and RF, and emerging technologies. Both poster and presentation formats are used. Special papers presented at the ECTC will be awarded the Intel Best Student Paper Award and best and outstanding paper awards.
The Panel, Plenary, Special Sessions, and EPS Seminar provide the conference participants the opportunity to gain the insight and perspective of technical and business leaders.
The ECTC would not be possible without the sponsorship of the IEEE Electronics Packaging Society (formerly CPMT), numerous corporate participants and sponsors, and the time and energy of the more than 200 engineers and scientists on the ECTC Executive and Program Committees.
Paper Submission Process
Use the manuscript submission website, to submit your manuscript for review on or before the deadline (Feb. 21, 2025).
The session co-chairs manage the manuscript review process and guide you towards final submission of your manuscript (your paper) if accepted.
Accepted papers are published in the conference proceedings. Papers that are successfully presented at the conference by the author are published online post-conference by IEEE.
Carefully read the acceptance email sent to you regarding the necessary requirements to get your paper published, in the conference proceedings and online. Your copyright release form is also required.
Further queries should be directed to Program Chair Przemyslaw Gromala.
Additional Resources
For your manuscript, follow the manuscript template.
Notable papers from past ECTC editions serve as examples of well-received submissions.
The "Abstract" section in the final paper should reflect the manuscript's abstract, not the original submission.
Use the Presentation Template for Microsoft PowerPoint for conference presentations in sessions 1-36.
Read the Interactive Presentation Information PDF for further guidance for authors in sessions 37-41.