(DASC) The 44th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference

Material Sciences & NanotechnologyElectronics and Electrical EngineeringAutomation SciencesMechanical EngineeringControlRobotAerospace EngineeringEngineeringSystems EngineeringCommunication Engineering

Conference Date

Sep 14-Sep 18, 2025


Montreal, Canada

Submission Deadline

May 05, 2025





The 44th AIAA/IEEE Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC) continues a rich tradition as the preeminent R&D conference in the field of digital avionics, offered by Digital Avionics Technical Committee (DATC) and co-sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
As the world’s leading conference on digital avionics technologies, we offer comprehensive topics in a diverse and collaborative environment for educational and professional opportunities. We are confident that you will have a memorable, inspiring, and educational experience.


Digital avionics are the foundation for the kind of aviation and space flight we feel familiar with today, but aerospace finds itself in an era of tremendous changes: societal demands and geopolitical changes are transforming aerospace towards higher customization, more autonomy, greener operation and faster adaptability.
Digital avionics systems are the core enablers for many of the new technologies, functions, and operations necessitated by these changes. Furthermore, avionics systems will need to undergo a transformation towards reduced carbon footprint, higher calculation power, lower latency, and higher flexibility - all while maintaining safety and security levels and decreasing certification times: a huge responsibility for the digital avionics systems of the future. The 44th DASC will investigate the responsibility of digital avionics for the next generation of air and space vehicles to come. We provide the forum to present solutions making aerospace transformation possible, analyze open issues, and discuss disruptive ideas.

You are invited to present your research addressing current and future challenges
of avionics systems and exchange diverse perspectives with the world’s leading
experts in the field.

Emphasized are methods, tool, systems and functions for:
» Increased performance
» Reduced resource utilization
» Fast qualification and requalification
» Customization, adaptivity, flexibility
» Safe & secure operation in hostile environment
» Utilization of AI, high-performance computing (HPC) quantum computing, etc.

General Chair
Dr. Steve VanderLeest
The Boeing Company, USA

Deputy Chair
Michael Durling
GE Aviation

Technical Program Chairs
Prof. Björn Annighöfer
University of Stuttgart, Germany
Mr. Scott Crawford
Collins Aerospace, USA