(CVPR 2022) IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Computer Science and Technologies

Conference Date

Jun 19-Jun 24, 2022


New Orleans, Louisiana, The United States

Submission Deadline

Mar 20, 2022






The IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR) is the premier annual computer vision event comprising the main conference and several co-located workshops and short courses. With its high quality and low cost, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics and industry researchers.

We are soliciting proposals for workshops to be held together with the 2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2022). The workshops will take place on June 19 and 20 at the same venue as the main conference. The purpose of the workshops is to provide a comprehensive forum on topics that will not be fully explored during the main conference and to encourage in-depth discussion of technical, application, and community issues. We also strongly encourage workshops aiming to create and strengthen communities. To this end, it will be possible to submit proposals for affinity workshops (such as Women in Computer Vision or Good Citizens of CVPR) that will be judged separately.

In the past few years, the number of workshop proposals has been increasing rapidly. Due to space and time limitations, as well as to encourage diversity of topic coverage, we will only be able to retain a limited number of proposals. Therefore, we encourage the workshop organizers to submit proposals that are specific and detailed in justifying relevance and viability. In the case of very similar workshop proposals, we might ask the organizers to merge into a single workshop.

Workshop title
Workshop acronym
Topics that will be covered: Describe the topics that will be covered in the workshop.
Broader impact statement: Describe why the workshop is relevant to the community and how relevant the topics or discussion are beyond the CVPR audience.
Ethical considerations around the topic (if any)
Relationship to previous workshops: Describe how this proposal relates to previous workshops held at CVPR/ICCV/ECCV/etc. in the last three years.

List of organizers: Please make sure that all organizers are listed as authors of the workshop proposal submission in CMT3.
Organizing team’s experience and background: Information that supports the organizers’ ability to run a workshop, and appropriateness to a workshop on this topic. Include brief bios for the main organizers.
List of invited speakers: Please list only speakers that have confirmed or tentatively confirmed their attendance, and who are willing to deliver a virtual talk if necessary. We recommend finding invited speakers who will not give the same talk at multiple workshops. Otherwise, the workshops may be asked to merge. For each speaker, please indicate if confirmation is tentative or final. For each speaker, provide a link to their website and explain their relevance to the workshop.
Specify how diversity is being addressed.