(CDC 2025) 2025 IEEE 64th Conference on Decision and Control
ControlSystems Engineering
Conference Date
Dec 09-Dec 12, 2025
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Submission Deadline
Sep 03, 2025
The CDC is recognized as the premier scientific and engineering conference dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practice of systems and control. The CDC annually brings together an international community of researchers and practitioners in the field of control systems to discuss new research results, perspectives on future developments, and innovative applications relevant to decision-making, systems, automatic control, optimization, and related areas.
The 64th CDC will feature contributed and invited papers, as well as workshops and tutorial sessions. The CDC is organized and sponsored by IEEE and by the IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS) and is organized in cooperation with the Brazilian Society of Automation (SBA).
Submission and Registration Policies
All papers submitted to the CDC 2025, whether for review or publication upon acceptance, must be written in English and formatted in the standard 2-column format provided on PaperPlaza. The submission site opens in January 2025.
For “review”, all regular and invited papers are limited to eight (8) pages. PaperPlaza will not permit longer papers to be uploaded. The decision regarding the acceptance of each paper is at the discretion of the conference’s Technical Program Committee.
For “publication” in the conference proceedings, all accepted and invited papers are limited to six (6) pages. Authors may upload longer manuscripts up to a maximum of eight (8) pages total. However, each page over six will incur an additional overlength page charge.
If the paper is accepted, at least one of the authors listed on the paper must attend the conference and present the paper according to the schedule decided by the conference’s Technical Program Committee.
If the presenter is unable to attend the conference for any reason, it is his/her responsibility to ensure that the paper is presented by a qualified colleague.
At least one of the authors listed on the paper must register for the CDC 2025 to upload the final manuscript.
Student registrants may upload one final paper. Regular registrants may upload up to three final papers.
Additional papers can be uploaded with an overlength page charge.
All submissions will be tested for similarity and overlap with prior published material using the iThenticate tool. The results of such overlap will be made available to the Program Committee for evaluation. In case of possible violations of the IEEE ethics rules in publishing, the case will be investigated by a committee that reports to the VP for Publications.