( ASE 2025) 2025 40th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering

ITsoftwareComputer Science and Technologies

Conference Date

Nov 16-Nov 20, 2025


Seoul, Korea

Submission Deadline

May 30, 2025





Welcome to the website of the 40th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, ASE 2025. The ASE conference is the premier research forum for Automated Software Engineering. Each year, it brings together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to discuss foundations, techniques, and tools for automating the analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance of large software systems.

ASE 2025 will be in Seoul, Republic of Korea. We are working hard to prepare the webpage and also looking forward to seeing you in Seoul!

Research Areas

ASE welcomes submissions addressing topics across the full spectrum of Automated Software Engineering. Topics of interest include the following and are grouped into the following nine research areas. Please note that these topics are by no means exhaustive. Each submission will need to indicate one primary and optionally a secondary area. Program chairs will ultimately assign a paper to an area chair (and at least three reviewers), considering the authors’ selection, the paper’s content, and other factors such as (if applicable) possible conflicts of interest.

The areas and examples of topics within this area

Requirements and Design
Requirements elicitation and management, traceability analysis
Software architecture and design
Modeling and model-driven engineering
Software product lines
Component-based or service-oriented systems
Object-oriented or aspect-oriented systems

Testing and Analysis
Regression, mutation, and model-based testing
System, unit, and integration testing
Black-, grey-, and white-box fuzzing
Automated program repair and synthesis
Static and dynamic analysis
Empirical program analysis

Maintenance and Evolution
Debugging and fault-localization
Refactoring and reengineering
Reverse engineering
Software reuse
API design and management

Human and Social Aspects
Software engineering processes (e.g., agile, DevOps)
Green and sustainable technologies
Software engineering ethics and values
Software economics
Systematic code review and inspection
Program comprehension and visualization
Crowd-based and collaborative software engineering
Human-computer interface

AI and Software Engineering
Autonomous and self-adapting systems
Search-based software engineering
Recommender systems

Software Analytics
Mining software repositories
Analysis of mobile apps, app stores
Data-driven user experience understanding and improvement
Data-driven decision making in software engineering
Software metrics (and measurements)

Formal Aspects of Software Engineering
Formal methods and model checking
Programming languages
Domain-specific or specification languages
Software validation and verification

Security and Other Non-Functional Properties
Security and privacy
Dependability and safety
Reliability and availability

177 Walkerhill-ro, Gwangjin District
South Korea