(CPESE 2023) 2023 10th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering

Energy and Resources

Conference Date

Sep 08-Sep 10, 2023


Nagoya, Japan

Submission Deadline

Jul 15, 2023






★Full Name: 2023 10th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering (CPESE 2023)
★Abbreviation: CPESE 2023
★Dates: September 8-10, 2023
★Place: Nagoya, Japan
★Website: http://www.cpese.net/

★CPESE 2023 is technically sponsored by Nagoya University, Japan; Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan; University of the Ryukyus, JAPAN; University of Kurdistan, Iran and Chiang Mai University, Thailand.

After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers after proper registration and presentation, will be published in the CPESE 2023 conference Proceedings, indexed by Ei-Compendex & Scopus .

★Publication History:
CPESE2022 - Energy Reports
CPESE2021 - Energy Reports Volume 8, Supplement 1 | Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Ei Compendex & Scopus INDEX
CPESE2020 - Energy Reports Volume 6, Supplement 9 | Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Ei Compendex & Scopus INDEX
CPESE2019 - Energy Reports Volume 6, Supplement 2 | Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Ei Compendex & Scopus INDEX
CPESE2018 - Energy Procedia Vol. 156 | Ei-Compendex & Scopus
CPESE2017 - Energy Procedia Vol. 141 | Ei-Compendex & Scopus
CPESE2016 - Energy Procedia Vol. 100 | Ei-Compendex & Scopus

Both full paper and abstract can be accepted but only full paper will be published on conference proceedings.
Submission System: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ceepe2023
Submission Email Address: cpese@zhconf.ac.cn

★Conference Committee Chairs:
Hassan Bevrani, University of Kurdistan, Iran / Osaka Univeristy, Japan;
Takeyoshi Kato, Nagoya University, Japan.

★Program Committee Chairs:
Kei Eguchi, Fukuoka Institute of Technology, Japan;
Yuko Hirase, Toyo University, Japan;
Shigeyuki Sugimoto, Nagoya University, Japan.

★Call for Papers:
Power Transmission and Distribution
Power Transmission and Generation
Microgrids Dynamics and Control
Alternative Energy and the Environment
Regulations, Management, and Economics
Grounding and Protection Systems
More topics, please click: http://www.cpese.net/cfp.html

★Contact us:
Ms. Saya Y. Shen
E-mail: cpese@zhconf.ac.cn